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Our vision

A key element of our success is our extensive international network. It includes relationships with markets and banks worldwide, allowing us to operate globally while preserving our Swiss roots. These connections areessential to identify innovative and promising investment opportunities.

Innovation is at the core of the Genferberg Group. We believe that continuous innovation is the key to long-term success. Our strategy focuses on supporting innovative approaches and technologies that are not only financially lucrative, but also socially and environmentally responsible.

The Geneva Group combines deep local knowledge with a global network and a strong commitment to innovation to achieve sustainable impact in the economy and in the communities in which we operate.


We are proud to help shape the future of private equity while upholding our Swiss values.

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Our headquarters

In Zurich, at Talacker 41, we are not only geographically anchored in the heart of Zurich, but also at the center of the Swiss economy and community. Our positioning, our network and our commitment make us a strong partner for everyone who wants to invest and grow in Switzerland.


Our vision

When the Genferberg Group (formerly AEM Genève) opened its doors in 1999, our goal was not just to create a financial company, but to establish a movement that anchors innovation, sustainability and transparency at the heart of the Swiss startup landscape. Our vision is to provide an unparalleled platform that enables groundbreaking Swiss startups to not only find capital, but also a partner who shares their vision and supports them on their path to sustainable growth and market breakthrough.

The essence of Swissness – characterized by precision, reliability and quality – forms the foundation of our corporate culture and our daily actions. We believe that true transparency is the backbone of any trusting relationship and are committed to maintaining it with both our investors and the startups we support.

In our mission to act as a bridge between innovative ideas and sustainable success, we are committed to directing at least 50% of our investments into alternative, future-proof solutions. In doing so, we strive not only for returns, but also to achieve significant positive social and environmental impacts.



Develop your potential at the Genferberg Group by bringing tradition and vision into harmony. 

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